0641/2019 82/90 Cloudy E5/10 75%H.
DOGS 12582 9494 1486 3385. Libor 15 Vix 19.
Greetings from the Hill.
Another gorgeous day in paradise,
blue skies and a light breeze,
classics from Havana crackling,
black clouds on the horizons
thundering and threatening...
afternoon downpours.
Up early again walking without a cane,
protection from mushing the brain,
learning to reinvent oneself.
"Well, the flag looks beautiful at night
with the porch back light," enthuses Susan
recently returned to her writer's hideaway
and the Key West way of life...
room to be alone and funds to survive,
no compromising with halfwit roomers,
guests who have to be forced to leave
or their airfare paid one way.
Living alone is a treasure to behold,
the pure pleasure of life without fools,
those braindead creatures who want company,
or manipulaters wanting assets...
too dumb to be original of thought,
not an original idea in a lifetime...
"Yeah...kind of like Obama!"
The oldman was reading french again,
he sounded like a comedian speaking,
but loved to read the language,
his great granny was a La Chapelle,
who owned thousands of acres in Quebec...
"Deux ou trois choses vues d'amerique,"
the lady spied from Washington on her blog,
a dream to be the first lady of France
while studfucker followed his hardon
wasting the Rosenberg fortune accumulated
as agent for Matisse and Picasso.
"Little Anne Schwartz was painted by Picasso...
'Mother and Daughter',Anne Sinclair was 7/7,
the most powerful sunday night show in France,
a lawyer from the University of Paris,
pretty good for a jewish girl from New York.
Her daughter is mortiphied and was born in Paris,
spermdripper would not follow Leon Blum...
and a nice german jewish name like Strauss.
Families, governments and soon corporations
seem to be falling into holes opened by question,
what was accepted as trusted behavior is not...
agreements are no longer valid in courts,
the courts repudiate the law
and create a new rule of law,
"Who the fuck are the Courts,
a collection of senile old fuckers
shuffling about hallways in the Hague,
conniving crap for NATO
and the same old 'Oil Club'
to steal Libyan sweet crude,"
growls the madone on a rant,
"Or those buckfuckingsucking
cunt lawyers in every top Lobbyist
Vulture Firm who specialize
in financial derivatives
and 'the new regulation'
that will make opaque no longer fake
and bring transparency
to the MarketPlace...
Couples in Washington are conventional.
Gay Divorce will be big business in New York.
Barry's hair is turning white, 'it' must be
the White House water!
Maybe life is returning to normal,
a mother hen and babies on Love Lane,
roosters awakening empty houses,
not foreclosed, simply closed
for the summer by the northerners
who prefer life their way.
But he wondered of the tyranny of wives
those keepers of the balls
of defeated men and semen,
"Keep the seminal vesicle free",
laughed Gore Vidal ironically,
a homosexual monogamist
who loved young men from a distance
of a blowjob...."Not intercourse."
But you can't get pregnant in your asshole.
The oldman watched television at night,
no sound to disturb the quietude
of open windows in the dark of three,
hillarious ads for pecker enhancement
by stupid cunts with flacid mates...
"Watched only, no sound, a silent film
produced by the secret persuaders
of television corporate commercials,
the spooks who make the economy grow
with their tell and show,"
and guess what black actor
is the King of Voice Over.
Little one second images tranched
into pools of one minute persuasions,
"Little pictures cluttering up the mind,
subconscious coercion of the consumer,
those little piggies that still shop
and still have a home,"
grumbled the oldman getting thirsty.
His cousin Terry was complaining about age,
he couldn't drink a case of beer
and play hockey at night...
and he 'got heart pains' when he walked,
gardening was for sissies,
he always rode a cart
and still shot in the eighties,
he was a somatatic visceral...
some are the way they are.
The oldman was on a new diet...
he gained ten pounds last month,
walked a mile a day, with a cane
and weighed 120 pounds...
"There is always Hope!"
The problems in China are increasing,
great hopes to escalate the peasants
into urban condominiums is slowing
as the rush to middleclass stalls...
husbands have turned to drugs and drink,
sitting at home emulating americans
demanding 'the good life'...
with Chinese Voice Over,
horror of horrors,
WHO could that be.
A Chinaman bought 'that' Picasso last month
for 106 Million US dollars, of course,
'they' have lots of 'that'.
Must piss off Schwartzy, considering 'Guess Who'
stole all the works from Grampa Rosenberg,
pissed off Picasso too!
"Tres dommage!"
Tough times reach home and Duval Street,
properties that were bought for five grand
with Federal Urban Development loans,
amassing vast rental income
and multimilliondollar equity
over three decades are in peril...
Swifty Ed Swift seems over leveraged
for a paltry 12 Million dollars,
chump change for Historic Tours,
the Steam Plant Condominiums
and his sleezy house collection
as well as an affordable housing empire
for his underpaid employees.
Very strange....he must have found God...
most of the joints are bars...
or could there be a conspiracy?
Most likely a woman wanting 'out',
look at the Dodgers...
divorce sucks in a Recession
and is a 'bumfuck' in a depression.
Sometimes 'it's' cheaper all alone.
Above the Horn.
Beyond the Reef.
Home Alone!
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