0712/1753 65/75 Blue Skies WSW10/15 90%H.
DOGS 11691 8827 1373 2912. Libor 24. Vix 17.
Greetings from the Hill.
Another year in paradise!
Old, crippled and ornery
and happy to be alive.
Classics in the galley,
CNBC and new plugs
in the bedroom,
Internet in every room,
bills paid and tax money
in the bank...
unlike most others.
Just a walk on the beach!
Steve and his friend,
Kevin Paul Hayes,
celebrating 'Loosen Up',
the painter doing backup
to the vocalist...
multi talented artists
surviving the 'Great Recession'.
Not living beneath their means,
nor eating Cuban rice and beans.
Key West is the lesson in Survival!
Adapting without the excuses of abuses.
"The 112th Congress of Halfwits,
tea party activists of the Koch family,
braindead believers of Fox Media,
the dumbest of Dumbdum...
remnants of the 'Obamascam',
idiots raising the 'Debt Ceiling'
to finance an economic disaster
perpetrated by the agents of Hell,
the Primary Dealers of the Fed,
the basis point boys
who take 'first tick'
with Supercomputer Trading,
all fucking criminals
screwing the working class,"
growls the oldman
sick of the US of Assholes.
"Hey oldman, don't have a stress attack,
life goes on and things change,
the US is a nation of invention,
brains surpassing brawn,
laziness avoiding work,
two legged shit factories
with cellphones...
crapping and talking,"
mocks the madone.
Pretty fucking absurd,
technology for morons.
Certainly another year of Financial Invention,
wormfucks conceiving of draining the bucks
from every sappyass in the middle class,
bloodsuckers of cash flow
pocketing from meters and tollroads,
assets sold off to pay the retired...
firefighters, cops and teachers,
pain in the ass civil servants,
"Sucking off the government cushion
for the old age rocker chair
on a house repossessed,
and no insurance to die,"
grumbles the madone.
The President postures and lies,
grinning and goofing
like a basketball star,
waving to an audience
no longer a fan
of an also ran,
his option run out.
Perhaps the fellow has a plot
to destroy the American Society.
A Chicago NeoLiberal Socialist?
Who is this Joker's Clown?
Two years and Trillions of Debt
while growing the economy
with MBS manure
and shadow bank inventions,
balance sheets of imagination,
mark to the fairy tale value
of two thousand and six,
before the Fix.
The investigation continues by the Attorney General...
certainly not Bobbie Kennedy,
just to whom is Holder a beholder,
this wimpey gutless wonder
sucking tit to Obama shit.
The love of his life comes and goes,
the gardener shows off his sanding,
the painter shits and shaves,
the cats are fed....
dark on the Hill.
Home Alone!
Mad dddd...Jim Cramer time...
with classics from Havana
and footsteps on the stairs,
Viola purring and doves cooing.
Someone strange in the house.
"Fuck off Asshole!"
He picked up the hockey stick
and changed the Channel
to the Hyundai Classic
Airheads' pathetic Azuzi arrived
to go to court......and deliver salt,
Job doing penance.
Decades without respect...
seasons of mendacity,
nights of deceit.
"Do you have a beer?"
Privacy interrupted....again.
'It' was a very good year....here!
Above the Horn.
Beyond the Reef.
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