0645/1738 75/81 Blue Skies SE 10 70%H.
DOGS 11023 8244 1339 2547. Libor 23. Vix 23.
Greetings from the Hill.
A lovely day in paradise.
classics in the study,
CNBC in the bedroom,
the oldman pissed
with Google.
The fuckfaces won't reconnect
his gmail account,
"Like trying to find a mortgage
at Wells Fargo or BofA,"
laughs the madone....
"Horses fucking Assholes!"
Rather annoying to recreate an identity,
somewhat like MBS's in the Fed.
Or subprimes in Fanny and Fred.
"Who's in Barney Frank's bed?"
Despondency is shading the skies
of american optimism, that hope
before the pathetic dope
conned the gullible,
reducing voters to apathy
for the last congress,
a president without balls
to stand up in the halls
and kick ass
on the money lenders.
"This stooge needs more rouge!"
The madone had no use for sissies.
Half white, halfwit, and all shit.
The very idea of blaming the head of state
for all the problems brought up to date,
accumulations of greed on Wall Street
and gullibility on Main Street,
a decade of engineered debt
for the consuming cows
producing no milk,
eating grass sitting on their ass,
imported chinese cheese
and burger meat from Brazil,
tomatoes from Mexico,
bread from Canada...
"What the fuck is made in USA...
a contract today
that could default tomorrow,
those derivatives in the wind
of the currency war
knocking at your front door,"
growls the oldman,
pissed with banksters
and the political gangsters
with scumball lawyers.
Of course the oldman was very pissed
with Google, the aggregater of information
that infilitrates all messages pandering
to the commercial market,
selling secrets...
but won't find his password,
won't answer a telephone,
protecting his identity...
from himself.
"The Internet is free for freedom of speech,"
for how long in the Obama song
singing softly with his lies,
lying with those eyes.
"A sorryass situation."
"You are so full of she it
lying in front of the TV shit,"
laughs the oldman from the study
watching Steve in the gazebo
with a gullible woman
on Love Lane.
Live goes on.
The oldman found 'it' hard to believe
that 'the creature' from Jekyll Island
was behind this massive coverup
and no investigation...
could the media be so stupid
or all convincing entertainers
manipulated by stoogehead producers,
puppets of the corporapists,
"Television is only entertainment,"
warned the creator of Star Trek,
when the DOW danced at 600.
To foster full employment
and monitor inflation
seemed a noble ambition
of the Federal Reserve Bank
protecting the masses...
then came diversification
and Bernie Cornfield,
multinationals and Swiss banks,
off the gold standard
then Nixon resigns,
the 'Oil Crisis',
and waiting lines
for gasoline.
Time for another war,
the 'Drug War'.
Drug dealing was easier than working.
Hidden profits and laundered money,
crooked bankers and offshore accounts,
Ollie North brokering bribes,
"Ronnie didn't remember!"
snorted the madone.
Is 'it' any wonder that financial engineering
became America's leading export,
bankers and lawyers mastering fraud
and bribing politicians...
"Bill signs the bill giving free reign
to the banker's toxic rain
to pour on the American dream parade."
Enough of the stuff,
memories are rough.
Above the Horn.
Safe on the Hill.
Forgetting history is how we got here, and here is worse than we expect, no doubt! (I can't find my wells fargo mortgage and neither can they apparently...)