Sunday, November 21, 2010

IPO's, Defaults and Derivatives.

0647/1738 70/82 Blue Skies NE 10/15 70%H.
DOGS 11203 8151 1353 2751. Libor 23. Vix 18.

Greetings from the Hill.

Another lovely week in paradise,
far away from economic scams
of the master's of deceit
inventing and engineering
new methods to extricate
the masses wealth,
soon to eliminate all cash
replaced by a world debt card
in the age of 'Digitoma'...

another new word.

"Visatoma in a coma!"
laughs the madone.

Imagine the costs of making cards,
patriotic colors with flags,
of each state bank,
a drivers permit as well and voting too,
no drive no vote.

"All state banks and no Assholes,
eliminate the whores of the Fed,
agents of central banks...
those Masters of the Market
in wholesale swindle who gamble
everyday  the nation's wealth
at rigged tables in a Crooked Casino,
the House never loses
taking fees and commissions first,"
growls the madone
always amazed at trapped saps.

Fred was pissed, the Iceman in Paradise,
wasting money in tourist traps
visiting his good friend Steve...
Norway had a balance of payments
and vast oil reserves,
free health care and education,
english their second language...
american TV with english captions.

Homer Simpson in spanish.

"Imagine being subsidized for a year
to bring up the baby!",
marveled the madone
over a nation that cared
about it's citizens.

Norway's pension fund was soon to be
the richest in the world...
a nation of five million
and no derivatives,
perhaps an honest government.

Oil, shipping and energy
with lots of fish.

"And the Cuban Refugee Orchestra."

Wall Street offers another chance
with the GM IPO to resusitate
the terminal giant,
22 Billion in financial engineering
for electric cars and corn fuels
and Ally Banking...
the dead end alley.

Bill Gross is pissed with the policy
that Senile Al claims a 'mistake',
his former prodigy out of favor
with the coupon clippers.

Barry boy lost in space,
"Yeah, that void between his ears,
fighting a losing race against DEBT
snorts the oldman
ready for a sunday pint
in a blue law morning town.

"What the fuck can Jerry Brown do?"

The state is a hopeless mess,
ignored by the media and government,
vultures gambling on default
with never to be regulated bets,
the pension plan a ponzi scheme
on the dark side of redemptions,
not even legalized pot
for the defeatist lot.

"This place sucks,"
laments Tony,
wanting a ticket home to paradise.

Coumo playing the nasty cop
before taking the mantel of his dad,
inheriting the corruption of Albany,
the swindling of Wall Street,
the mendacity of Bloomberg.

"Hey, dumbfucks, what about that tax,
a little transfer tax on trading,
the 'Warehouse' clears all,
follow the pixels
right into the OTC,"

But not very likely,
unless the world's fastest computer
was bought from the chinese,
goodbye Google, hello Doogle!

"Those yellow people at US universities
comprise twenty percent of classes,
just like Toronto and speak the tongue
 as fluent as 'City of London' bankers,
driving LaRouche nuts",
offers Lovelane Jack
monitoring the irrigation
of the garden.

Bill was downstairs at his computer
worrying over orders and balances,
struggling to survive
and keep his business alive,
"There is no domestic businesss,
orders are all overseas,
the emerging markets",
exporting from a website,
a wizard at expediting,
slicker than shit
and cash in advance.

"A dangerous game of kiting
with manufacturer's money,"
mumbled the oldman.

The thing about 'it' is...
a downshift of human personality
to a thing,,, the consumer,
rather than an expression of creative powers,
the sensual experience replaced
the creative insights of the mind,
sex replacing the customary
with the novel,
fantasy with reality,
fiat for gold,
dreams of debt.

"The Devil came to town
and promised Change and Hope,
then led us down the street
without a sign or light,
could 'it' be Avenue K,"
laughed the voice
on the balcony.

Above the Horn.

Inside the Reef.

All within belief.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Google Sucks!

0645/1738 75/81 Blue Skies SE 10 70%H.
DOGS 11023 8244 1339 2547. Libor 23. Vix 23.

Greetings from the Hill.

A lovely day in paradise.
classics in the study,
CNBC in the bedroom,
the oldman pissed
with Google.

The fuckfaces won't reconnect
his gmail account,
"Like trying to find a mortgage
at Wells Fargo or BofA,"
laughs the madone....
"Horses fucking Assholes!"

Rather annoying to recreate an identity,
somewhat like MBS's in the Fed.

Or subprimes in Fanny and Fred.

"Who's in Barney Frank's bed?"

Despondency is shading the skies
of american optimism, that hope
before the pathetic dope
conned the gullible,
reducing voters to apathy
for the last congress,
a president without balls
to stand up in the halls
and kick ass
on the money lenders.

"This stooge needs more rouge!"

The madone had no use for sissies.

Half white, halfwit, and all shit.

The very idea of blaming the head of state
for all the problems brought up to date,
accumulations of greed on Wall Street
and gullibility on Main Street,
a decade of engineered debt
for the consuming cows
producing no milk,
eating grass sitting on their ass,
imported chinese cheese
and burger meat from Brazil,
tomatoes from Mexico,
bread from Canada...

"What the fuck is made in USA...
a contract today
that could default tomorrow,
those derivatives in the wind
of the currency war
knocking at your front door,"
growls the oldman,
pissed with banksters
and the political gangsters
with scumball lawyers.

Of course the oldman was very pissed
with Google, the aggregater of information
that infilitrates all messages pandering
to the commercial market,
selling secrets...
but won't find his password,
won't answer a telephone,
protecting his identity...
from himself.

"The Internet is free for freedom of speech,"
for how long in the Obama song
singing softly with his lies,
lying with those eyes.

"A sorryass situation."

"You are so full of she it
lying in front of the TV shit,"
laughs the oldman from the study
watching Steve in the gazebo
with a gullible woman
on Love Lane.

Live goes on.

The oldman found 'it' hard to believe
that 'the creature' from Jekyll Island
was behind this massive coverup
and no investigation...
could the media be so stupid
or all convincing entertainers
manipulated by stoogehead producers,
puppets of the corporapists,
"Television is only entertainment,"
warned the creator of Star Trek,
when the DOW danced at 600.

To foster full employment
and monitor inflation
seemed a noble ambition
of the Federal Reserve Bank
protecting the masses...
then came diversification
and Bernie Cornfield,
multinationals and Swiss banks,
off the gold standard
then Nixon resigns,
the 'Oil Crisis',
and waiting lines
for gasoline.

Time for another war,
the 'Drug War'.

Drug dealing was easier than working.

Hidden profits and laundered money,
crooked bankers and offshore accounts,
Ollie North brokering bribes,
"Ronnie didn't remember!"
snorted the madone.

Is 'it' any wonder that financial engineering
became America's leading export,
bankers and lawyers mastering fraud
and bribing politicians...
"Bill signs the bill giving free reign
to the banker's toxic rain
to pour on the American dream parade."

Enough of the stuff,
memories are rough.

Above the Horn.

Safe on the Hill.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

After Fantasy Fest and The Elections!

0738/1842 59/65 Blue Skies N10/20 50%H.
DOGS 11405 8677 1378 2602. Libor 23. Vix 19.

Greetings from the Hill.

A cold night in paradise,
the oldman was under the covers,
the windows closed
and the cats inside.

A sickness in the house,
everyone hacking and coughing,
from tourist germs.

Outsiders bringing infection.

"The Fest was a Fast,"
laughs the madone
over the speculator's profits.

"Hey, new sidewalks and curbs,
Obama money for the shoveling,
employing local illegals,"
a week of many events,
the Blog lost, Tony leaving,
the painter moved in,
electricity coming soon
to the bedroom,
a racoon on the front porch
eating the catfood at night.

Some things never change.

Listening to the nonesense from CNN
and the absurdity of CNBC,
Spitzer the new Fox idiot,
all a debasement of intellectual curiosity,
reducing thought to the lowest
common denominator...

"QE2 is about to sail,
with a full cargo of fiat
to debase world currency
and inflate the dollar,
wiping out debt,
the three stooges at work,
stockpiling the toxics of MBS
from Freddy and Fanny
and Ginny Mae
before Doomsday,"
sighs the oldman.

The Master of the Fed offers
"And thereby allowing the flow of money
into a riskier and higher yield investment,
encouraging once again the growth
of industries in America...
invention and technology."
a better world for lazy people
and the delegating class.

GSE maturities into Treasuries,
PIMCO and Greenspan,
thin air assets disappearing in time,
shrinking the portfolio
of the banker's debt.

ZIRP with a big slurp.

The Primary Dealers take the money
and invest in other markets,
offshoring investments with labor,
the traders are traitors,
money waves no flag
on Wall Street.

A new and leaner company base,
pensions and benefits gone,
starting over without debt,
promises forgotten...
"Tough shit, old farts,
no more drugs."

Doesn't look good for Big Pharma.

Or Obama's karma.

"At least Fat Mac is not back."

"Cates seems softheaded."

Lawyers making the laws
that leave the loopholes
for government regulation
by the lobbyists.

Above the Horn,

Beyond the Reef.