Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Seventy one....And good for another year," she smiled.

0708 1948 76/86 Blue Skies E5/10 50%H.
DOGS 12268 10820 147430 4188 LIBOR 14 VIX 16.

Greetings from the Hill.

""A beautiful day in paradise to you sir"....
a greeting from the generation that
partied with the Kennedy's,
and there was music
in the Key West air,
the people were slightly square,
not a type of financial derivative.

Joe Bageamt stopped writing...
Death does that, but his way
exposing truth through unique
phrases in rants of national love.
hilarious improvisations of
the country redneck view of politics,
perhaps the greatest treasure of all...
"Finding common thought with one
who writes 'it' better!"
"Never ends, does 'it',
always another clue , and then
another and another...for what...
'There is no God in Mason Houses',
give 'it' up and raise ducks,"
said Jon Voight in National Treasure...
a plank in the policy of the party
of 'The Great Society'

The floorboards are rotten
because the fridge leaks
no hot water 'cause the shower leaks',
but the cable works fine...
sitting in the A/C
waiting for the Maintenance Man.

"One day, you wait and see,
he ain't never gonna come again",
warned the gardener acting cryptic
in another of his spoiled fits
when facing the truth of his class...
he would have to work
for money...the owner of time.
CooCoo Farm  days are over.

The oldman survived  his birthday
and his present to the house...
paying off the Tax Certicate,
and four thousand dollars poorer,
"Good for another year",laughed
the county conch clerk
who witnessed this annual routine
for over twenty
of the forty years....
"Always made birthdays memorable,"
laughed the oldman
typing without glasses
to avoid the pain of an infected molar.

The last April of his life was half over,
a canopy of green burgeoned on Solaris Hill,
bare branches shooting buds of Poinciana
soon to emblazon the island in reds and oranges,
more subject for weekend painters,
another fantasy fulfilled in paradise
"For a big spender Tourist,"
shrugged the madone,
popping a pint
for the dying one.

"You just walk away from things...
gone... ,out of the mind... ignored..
no longer entertaining    BORING
interest level in band waves only..."
invents the oldman,
getting faster, seeing clearer,
life without glasses
or a golf club cane.

The Blogist quit for a month
and more Lies got passed,
Panneta installed a revolutionary general,
a naturalized American citizen,
catering at Langley
"The Falafal Man....
bumboy for Frank Wisner Jr,
ramrodding Citi operations from Egypt,
Pretty Boy Barry barking hope for CHANGE...
enough to make a healthy man barf.

"And all the queen's men from England and France
couldn't make the 'Madman dance,"
roared the painter hungry at noon,
in a very good mood
despite being...
"Financially embarassed,"
his line that always worked
on rich older women,
but he had not been laid
since adopting celibacy at home.

"The Recession is Over!"
proclaimed the President at noon.

"Real Estate has Bottomed,"
announced the Vice President during lunch.

"All Troops are coming Home,"
ordered Gates gone mad.

"My Husband shall Return,"
cackled the Crazy Hillary,
sweeping the White House steps.

Barry Dunham sows seeds of dissent
because his daddy was a polygimist
not lawful in Hawaii...
a bastard born.....
"My father never came home
and Momma traveled the world,
Gramma laundered money
and Gramps taught me to surf,"
conceding the Carter Times,
when Momma between missions
encouraged his jump shot
and dreams of the NBA
while she with the CIA.

"Hey, oldman, I got you new glasses,"
laughed the painter
offering help
to read the bank statement
uncovering more mendacity
and lies from mocking eyes,
singing another's song.

"Welllll.. the Season's Over,"
dismisses the MADONE,
another pretender in paradise.

"Who the fuck cares...
a gang of thieves
encouraged to cheat
on tax returns...

"Corporations pay no taxes
nor half the citizenry,
just the betteroff.

Above the Reef...

High on the Hill!

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