Saturday, August 18, 2012

50 Years of Obama..Chicago Years.

0702/1958 82/91 Blue Skies E/5 70%H.
DOGS 13257 9610 1619 2820 Libor 72. Vix 13.

Greetings from the Hill.

Another beautiful day in paradise...
classics in the President's room,
below the painter on the piano
and the last cat sleeping on the balcony
enjoying the breeze in the Keys...

Imagining about that couple in the White House.

Twenty years after the 'honeymoon'...hummmm. arranged marriage perhaps between a brilliant lawyer
and a charming pet of Lady Acorns as community organizer
'gathering the folk together', raising the vote,
aspiring for the voice that all may hear
..."My, my, that boy talks some shit...",
taking the cash before voting.....
black democratic communists were different Chicago..

Being a Sidley pet opened the secret doors
to another side of life...tenements and derivatives,
the Woods Fund and the 'Carbon Footprint'...
a deal with Al Gore...hofuckingho.

Slaving, off a wife,
teaching and campaigning for recognition,
a dream of bullshit baffling brains...
beginning downtown.

The War had ended and America would be a Better Place!

A Democrat was in the White House with a lawyer wife.

The troops were coming home to green grass lawns,
solar heat roof panels and satellite TV,
granite tables and a SUV.

Something happened on the road to Peace!

Bobbie Rush took District One in 1992...
Barry Bumboy dreaming and scheming,
whining to Aunt Valerie and 'his' faghags.

The Lesbian Coilition supported the 'Gay President'.

The Economy needed Engineering on a Global Consciousness.

"Borrow until your'e Bankrupt...but never the Bank..hoho..!"

Monday, July 9, 2012

50 Years of Obama.

0644 2019 78/90 Cloudy E 5/10 70%H.
DOGS 12772 8445 1578 2980.

Greetings from the Hill.

A morning sunrise at last,
grey skies and rain all week...
"Even during the fireworks,"
skoffed the painter..a prisoner
to the weather.

Wondering about this fellow Obama,
of course, all youngsters had tricycles
after Kennedy was shot, part of the times..
Momma was back at school studying
while Grandma paid the bills as a banker,
the only lady bankster in the state..
laundering money for the CIA,
Gramps was a college recruiter
for the Asian African Program,
disguised as the Ford Foundation
under William Geithner...yes, yes..
"Timmy's Daddy...Holey Cow..!"
mocks the madone...
gazing to Africa.

Momma was good with her tongue,
acguiring languages with her lovers...
the Kenyan went on to Harvard
preparing himself as a CIA mole,
an anti communist economist bigamist...
as well as an arab muslim polygamist,
adding a second white wife
to the Obama Family...

The Father he Never Knew!

Momma was learning Malayasian with Lolo,
another of Gramp's recruits at the CIA campus,
the school was perfect for spies...
another pesky oil problem required intervention,
"Wouldn't want the Commie Chinks to get
all that Dutch Oil and, no..,"
laughed the madone monitoring.

Another quickie marriage and off for adventures.

Most formative years for learning say the educators,
a loving father and adorable baby sister....
mother now fluent in five lanquages,
her cover an anthropoligist in microeconomics,
travelling the back reaches on donkey...
hardly ever home, backpacking the little girl,
Barry stayed in the city with StepDad,
learning Malaysian and Murder...

"Hey, get a grip...he was a trained killer
working for 'The Secret Police'.....!"

Now this was a father 'he' seemed to have forgot,
until 'it' was time to 'kill' Osama
and be a man.

Nixon was going nuts and Barry had a dream...
..."To play in the NBA.."

Gramps brought him home and arranged
for a foreign scholarship at the "Elite School',
odd, being born on the island and all...
but he learned to dribble and grin
while acquiring a jump shot...
not much else....few remember...oddly.

'It' was the Carter years and the world was in 'Crisis'..!

"Barack had a new identity at Occidental College,
arranged by Gramps and another 'foreign scholarship',
a two year course for poets and potheads..",
snorted the madone amazed at the background.

Ten years living in America as an 'Indonesian' because
Momma was a foreign resident spy for the CIA...
" about a trip to Pakistan...
must have picked up a few phrases from the roomie..!"
off on a mule ride with Mom...
where was baby sister?

The transfer records to Columbia are sealed
and no one seems to remember this 'star'
without noteriety, fans or lovers...
of course there was no 'Facebook',
hardly a photograph or video...
not even an acting class coach...
Momma was working 'undercover',
"Horror of Harlem..!".
and she liked her coffee 'black',
"Name three Black Muslims of the time
who influenced the Gullible Chosen One,"
snorted the student of oddity

Perhaps Harry Belafonte should have taught
the entertainer to sing rather than grin,
who exactly groomed this lone duck
to give America the 'Financial Fuck'...

"The First Black Editor of the Harvard Law Review,
dismissed after six months....
'for inappropriate behavior' with fellow editors,
who received cash settlements from school,
to shut the fuck up...!", growls the madone.

The Media is such a Twisted Tale.

"Get that queer asshole married
and a gay lover..!", growled Warren,
usually cheery and polite.

The Community Organizer had Handlers,
forces 'he' did not need to know,
Sidley Austin had derivative plans
for the 'Carbon Footprint',
the black communist party had a fool,
queers had a dream.

Democrats would do anything after Clinton.

Enough of 'Presidential Fairy Tales' for the day.

Above the Horn

Inside the Reef.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fuck Facebook...Hello Blogspot!

DOGS 12836,108,1706,33.60. VIX19.Libor16.

Greetings from the Hill.

Mad Jack was back....

on the 'Big Mac,
in the 'West Wing.

Love Lane Jack watched the oldman,
on the 'Jeffrey Special',
in the 'East Wing'.

The east wind had blown away the clouds,
another sunset in Paradise,
the classics from Havana,
clean windows and empty chairs...
a house without sorry stories.

"Quietude was the privacy of the privileged,"

mused the Blogist,
when the oldman shuffled into the President's Room,
smiling about Obama.

After thirty seven years in the same bedroom.

From Ford to the Fuckhead!

From prosperity to DEBT.

Middle Class Upward Mobilty,
MBS and CDS AND CASH .... under your dress!

"Women have ruined the American economy!"

The wind ceased and the palms were still.

"My heavens...not the toxic derivatives
rotting the vaults of the New York Federal Reserve Bank
or crooked commodity contracts in Chicago,
not hedge fund shorts on EU bonds
or waffling by the ISDA...
not even the plot of 'the City of London'
to destroy the US currency,"
offering alternative possibilities
to an age old plot.

"Wives knowingly encouraged the 'dilemma',
demanding granite table tops....
for take out pizza,
gentrification for the Asses,"
Conchs living in queer houses
keeping up with the Gayes,
the oldman watched 'it' all.

And made up lies.

Mad Jack thought he would print T shirts
and pay the bills for a year
to keep the oldman alive...
done 'it' before,
do 'it' again,
historical prints in halftone
on a classic garment,
a Key West Original,
of course!

Time was running short...
three weeks left.

"Where's the fakeing rent money,"
growled the madone
watering the balcony Oregano,
pissed with painter promises.

Giggling plumpy girls pass by in bikinis
charging Daddy's card for Spring Break
at the local bars and restaurants,
not exactly like ten years ago...
much dumber with that voice
immitatingly irritant.

"Dumb like Mom...the financial engineer!"

Pretty hard to get on a rant after three months
of ignoring the lies and deceit of politics,
George Bush was a college cheerleader
Obama is a bottom feeder...
Two more unlikely Commander in Chief's
as Leaders of the Free World
for a Free Market.

"We gotta grow this economy....right here,
in Washinton...which is why I spent this year...
three trillion dollars on great projects
and took in two trillion in revenue...Hehehe,"
grinned the King of Assholes.

"You cannot be a great actor
without being a perfect liar,"
laughed Tyne Daily with Charlie Rose.

Must suck being on the Morning Show.

A million families in USA are comfortable,
Ninety nine million aren't...
how many cars on the block
"Did you leave the keys in the lock?"

"The Insurance Companies are in colusion with Women,"
barked the oldman going downstairs
to sand the studio floor.

Above the Horn,

Within the Reef,

Getting older.