0647/0538 75/85 Blue Skies 10/20 80%H.
DOGS 1150 9800 1700 3250 Libor 14. VIX 32.
Greetings from the Hill.
Another perfect day in paradise,
blue skies and beautiful...
a breeze in the Keys.
The oldman was still recuperating
from the last fall on the sidewalk
in front of the bank,
hundred dollar bills blowing in the wind.
"So much for rent money,"
grumbled the madone,
somewhat disappointed.
Trying to keep ahead of the cost of living.
"Hey, oldman...I know you like potato salad,"
leaving a couple of table spoons
of $6.00 a pound Faustos ripoff.
Coughing, hawking and farting from the 'flu'
contracted from partying a grand away with fools,
braying assholes and obsequious mules.
'following the money'.
Tough to be a star.
"Hey, what about Jon Corzine?",
mocks the madone watering the oregano.
The closing bell and sofuckingwhat,
watching CNBC silly cunts flirt
and bald headed fools lie to convince
the dumb stupid consumers
to save on 'Black Friday'...
or the smartfucks to buy
on 'Cybor Monday' online.
Comcast marketing and Fedex shipping,
diet dinners and Omaha steaks,
the DisneyWorld weather channel
and USA all day...
JPMChase is on your foodstamp card
and Goldman Sachs issues your SSI...
What to do...what to do?
Markets are tax free betting Casinos,
price disccovery and liquidity aggregation
or trade transparency...bullfuckingshit!
"Tax the Pirates!"
The Limeys have a VAT tax...20% to the public
to bail out 'The City of London'
the government pursuing an FTT
to follow the shadow financial engineering
of the Derivatives Market...
Horror of Horrors,
Cambridge, Goldman and the Queen.
An economic stake no longer than a nanosecond,
a trading objective more durable
than front running real investors
with HFT gaming.
"Did that little ugly worm, Bloomberg, do 'it' all
with his sneaky little terminals monitored
by Homeland Security and the Federal Reserve,
dreaming of being the first Jewish President?",
wonders Alger, visiting late.
Who can tell when the well is dry?
Making transactions valid and enforceable...
totally impossible without A Rule of Law
in the Obama Administration,
the Joker and Holder,
MERS avoiding transaction taxes
allowing originators to circumvent true title
for securitization in the 'dark pools'
of underwater mortgages.
Bank of America certainly is advertising on TV.
Clearing Houses record all transactions,
bonds, eguities, options and derivatives,
over the counter and under the counter,
VISA and the pixal counters...
cloud computing...money in the air.
Who conned the Greeks with CDS,
who fleeced the Spics with MBS,
and who shorted European Bonds
and got fired, waiving his salary...
a patsy for Paulson!
"He's doing the best he can,"
rationlizes every Asshole
who voted for the Fraud.
Growing the Economy with more DEBT everyday.
"Where's Obama?", wonders Mitt.
"Giving speeches to the pathetic victims of Dumb Wars,"
growls the madone, feeding the cats.
The oldman was tired of CNBC horseshit.
Time for 2 and a Half Men reruns.
Above the Horn.
Inside the Reef.
Home on the Hill.