0719 1913 79/88 Light Clouds NE 10/15 75%H.
DOGS 10913 7875 1624 2993. Libor 15. Vix 36.
Greetings from the Hill.
Another beautiful day in paradise,
the oldman testing out the crippled bones,
six weeks away from the blog...
"And 'it's' still the same old shit,
Obama grins and lies, Congress sighs,
Dimon and Blankfein conspire and con
while every day jobs are gone..."
growls the madone.
Baseball playoffs and cool nights,
a summer without hurricanes...
"Hey, oldfuck, summer in the Keys
lasts until Thanksgiving,"
sweeping the floors opening doors,
letting the breeze flow,
sunday housekeeping, gardening and garbage,
keeping the oldman occupied.
One wonders if the masses wonder anymore,
the gentrification of the media by Comcast,
barking tits on CNBC and FOX,
entertainment the drooling commercials
between bossy cunt heroines
playing cops, agents and lawyers...
"Hey, no wonder whitey has given up,
he only wanted TV and a couch!"
Every week the income falls as debt increases,
the Joker 'growing the economy' with Obamashit,
creating the illusion of a great future
for those who have climbed the mountain
and seen the promised land
with three 'D' glasses...
"When did this concept of entitlement consume
all classes of the masses white and black,
living on foodstamps and unemployment,
too gutless to fight back...
resigned to failure too tired to argue,
sunset dreams now morning nightmares
of empty pockets without chumpchange,
fools who couldn't save a dime
or pay a bill on time,"
wearied the oldman as the church bells rang
and GOD was late for work.
Thirty years of living off debt,
one might say an attitude begun with Ronnie,
enrichment programs and wealth enhancement,
the beginnings of euphemisms for financial scams,
"The model works fine at two percent growth,
four percent unemployment,
one percent foreclosure,"
persuaded the wisemen of the Federal Reserve,
advising of course the primary agents of crime,
while serving the insurance industry.
"Well, there must have been an agenda by some group,
certainly a concept of globalization could not
have been marketed without product or brand,
the international financing and laws
arranged by politicians and jurists,"
puffed Alger visiting with his artwork,
more magic from his new computer.
The oldman was on a new machine as well,
a custom job by Jeffrey for the bedroom,
Big Mac alone in the Presidents room
with the classics and Lightning.
Change was not an alternative...
but the options of choice.
Obama is a fraud of his own propaganda.
"He believes his own lies," laughing and leaving.
Sunday in Hollywood, lunch and dinner
with the President and the Jokesters,
ten grand a plate and no photo...
another seven grand for a mug shot,
raising billions for four more years
of decimation and destruction,
the activist organizer of CHAOS
educated by black commies in Chicago,
"Who the fuck would have thought,"
in the minds of supporters now not.
The afternoon opera from Havana in both rooms,
cats fed and contented, a cooling breeze
in the fabulous florida keys...
Tony's chilli simmering in the galley
above Love Lane Alley,
"Ain't life fucking great!"
"Not everyone lives on fifty dollars a week",
roared the upstairs painter on his way
to an exhibit of his work
at the 'Smoking Tuna'...
The downstairs painter was relaxing
with his rich visiting sister
at the elitist hotel...
then dining at 'Royal Palm Island'.
The oldman hadn't even got a rant on.
"Benefits are not entitlements",growl the Aarps,
distressed with freeloading funding
to sustain the national shortfall
while diminishing their investments
in a future no longer golden.
A Canadian bond returns 7.5% interest,
a US TBond zipshit...
"But 'it' is the world reserve currency!"
"Trust your broker and ask him about
Cede and Company!"
Rick Scott is drug testing the Florida freeloaders.
Bank of America looks good at six bucks.
Above the Horn.
Beyond the Reef.
Home on the Hill.