0700/2000 82/92 Blue Skies SW10/15 75%H.
DOGS 11482 8787 1766 3971.Libor 15. Vix 32.
Greetings from the Hill.
Another beautiful day in paradise,
the oldman crippled again ....
recovering from a broken neck,
blackened eye, broken nose,
multiple bruises and abrasions
defending the home
from the unwanted.
Pain that will not go away.
"Kind of like the lingering incompetence
of the Joker and his Gang of Assholes,"
growls the madone disgusted with the Clown
who plays at being someone he isn't,
an actor no longer convincing his audience
with his words of 'the great nation's growth',
markets falling with each speech,
incompetence eroding any 'hope' or 'change,
eyes darting and lying, never direct...
"Collapsing to the TV audience
and pandering to the Facebook Fools",
adds the oldman.
Typing was very painful...the collarbone fractured.
Two weeks away from the Blog watching
the Fiasco in Washington of intimidation again,
threatening the masses over Debt Management,
no mention of a 2011 budget not passed,
no amount of the new Debt Ceiling...
"Just Obama Bullshit!"
London burning and looting in disgust,
riots beginning throughout Europe
as governments attempt austerity measures
directed to the working classes
and entitlement programs.
La Pierre returned and back on the streets
working on his Nightscapes,
capturing the little people of the dark
and the scenes of Key West night life.
"Where the fuck do these people come from,
two hundred a night for a bed,
two hundred a day for food and booze,
plus stupid souvenirs,"
scratching his ass...
three grand a week,
what he was making for a painting.
Some people learned to succeed in a recession,
finding the right market in the right place,
"Location, Location, Location!"
Of course, on the continent things were strange,
the suspected plot to collapse the Euro
by bankrupting banks seemed on course,
engineered by whom was of question...
the usual suspects were doing the usual things,
designing the financial products
that protected nations through risk management,
"Hofuckingho....sounds like old Mayer Rothschild
scamming the french and english",
laughed the oldman amused at the play
to force governments to make concessions
to the creators of DEBT.
The Agents of Chaos.
And how ironic that the Nato Nations
are bleeding out in the Little War,
that the Joker calls not 'a war',
suckering the american fools into
financing democracy and capitalism
and freedom for all...
"Yeah, freedom to pipe oil
for the Chosen Ones like Exxon,
BP, Shell, refineries and tankers,
even one named for Condy Rice,
bitch of bitches", growled the madone
who hated the oil whore.
So much done in the name of protection,
keeping a nation independent not dependent
on another nation's product...
simply acquire that nation
or maintain a military base
and manage the infrastructure.
"Great idea...got Ten Trillion Dollars,
Iraq, Afghanistan now Libya...
dumb stupid warmongers of the Pentagon,
braindead Think Tanks, CIA, CFR,
gnomes with drones,
nerds with listening devices in turds",
ranted the oldman in eight o'clock pain.
"Who the fuck does this son
of a white mother from Kansas
and a very black father from Kenya
think he really is....
a Muslim in disguise
or a psychopath who always lies!"
The conscious and intelligent manipulation
of the organized habits and opinions
of the masses is an important element
in democratic society....
Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism
of society constitute an invisible government
which is the true ruling power
of our country...
we are governed, our minds molded,
our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of.
Edward Bernays...1928...'Propaganda'.
Nephew of Sigmund Freud.
The Ultimate Revolution with which
we are now faced is probably this...
a process in which a whole series of techniques
enabling the ruling oligarchy to get people
to actually love their servitude.
Aldous Huxley....1962.
Fifty years later and who remembers those days,
when the first hits of acid appeared,
Camelot ended with asassinations,
war went on and on and on,
the circus show for public consumption began...
"Invent two lies and keep the public busy
debating which of them is TRUE!"
Inculcating Ignorance.
A long time coming.
"Well, 'it' just got faster with FACEBOOK,
the Idiots Guide for communication,
pathetic losers needing recognition
in sentences without phrases!"
Dunces donating their privacy
to government and business
to be led on the leash
of brainwashing,
taking selection out of choice...
"Hot fucking damn,
a Republican or Democrat!"
Ron Paul and Donald Trump.
Thunder and lightning,
a breeze from the west,
perhaps some rain.
Above the Horn.
Inside the Reef.
Home on the Hill.